OutSystems CI/CD & ODC Event System

Nov 23, 2023, 4:30 – 8:00 PM

This time we will have two subjects to talk about. First, we have a sneak preview a brand new 'to-be-released' feature of OutSystems: ODC Event System. We will hear all about this cool new feature from Ricardo Alves (OutSystems). Then, we are going to listen to Jeroen Bezemer (CoolProfs) who will guide us through the CI/CD process and how you can make this work in OutSystems.

54 RSVPs


About this event

Not just one, but two big surprises!

1. ODC events system by Ricardo Alves

In this session, we'll show how OutSystems will address process automation with an event driven architecture, allowing data orchestration between applications and systems in real time, and processing massive volumes of data effortless.

2. What is it like to be a low-code developer in an environment where you can deploy OnDemand, anything, every time?

Listen, watch, and learn how you can end up with more time to code by using a CI/CD environment and a proper way of working. I will do live updates to one of our applications, deploy it to production and demonstrate the value.

Jeroen Bezemer, CTO at CoolProfs, Husband, Father, and proud Granddad

Featured Presentation


  • Ricardo Alves


    Director of Product Management

  • Jeroen Bezemer





Thursday, November 23, 2023
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


Doors open
Pizza party
Event Systems by Ricardo Alves (OutSystems)
CI/CD by Jeroen Bezemer (CoolProfs)
Doors are closing!


  • Remco Dekkinga

    Evergreen IT

  • Miguel Melo

    Product League

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Eric Bulters


    Wizard of OS

  • Lotte Kuiper

    Transfer Solutions

    Developer & Pizza Lover


  • Remco Dekkinga

    Evergreen IT

    Director OutSystems @ LINKIT & OutSystems MVP

  • Miguel Seabra Melo

    CEO @ Product-League & OutSystems MVP

  • Eric Bulters


    Wizard of OS @ LINKIT & OS MVP

  • Lotte Kuiper

    Transfer Solutions


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