Jun 16, 2020, 4:00 – 5:30 PM (UTC)
Welcome to *the very first* Sweden OutSystems User Group! We are hosting an online event for our community in Sweden on the 16th of June. This event will be dedicated to get the community together, get to know your peers, learn from experts in the industry, and much more. Our aim is to give this growing community a platform where they can connect with each other, share their experiences a
Welcome to *the very first* Sweden OutSystems User Group!
We are hosting an online event for our community in Sweden
on the 16th of June. This event will be dedicated to get the community
together, get to know your peers, learn from experts in the industry,
and much more. Our aim is to give this growing community a platform
where they can connect with each other, share their experiences and
learn more.
As you know, we can't hold any in-person events, for the time being, so we will host it on an online format. Nonetheless, we have an amazing line up for you!
So, what can you expect?
6:00 PM Progressive Web Apps Overview by Cristiana Umbelino, Developer Advocate @ OutSystems
Join to know more about how OutSystems can help you build PWA, what they are, why you should build one and the best way to do it
6:30 PM From Zero... To a Lot of Apps! by Jan Gapinski, COO @ Gradén Mattsson
You will see how the team started out with OutSystems. They will walk you through their journey, path and findings. From zero to where they are now!
7:00 PM Q&A
7:30 PM End of Event
Click here to join: https://outsystems.zoom.us/j/91016008903?pwd=WjdWT3ZhWEM0RkRvUlpwMEE5MzYvZz09
We hope you will join us for this moment where we get the community together!
See you there :)
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