Aug 24, 2022, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)
Initiale Veranstaltung der OSUG Rhein-Ruhr zum Networking, Kennenlernen und zur Ideensammlung. Inital event of the chapter, we will meet each other and collect ideas what information you, the community members, are interested in.
Erstes Event der OutSystems User Group Rhein-Ruhr. Wir möchten die Community kennenlernen und Themen / Ideen sammeln, wie wir zukünftige Events gestalten können.
Inital event of the chapter, we will meet each other and collect ideas what information you, the community members, are interested in. We will meet at a co-working space in Düsseldorf, Ruby Carl, have a drink and talk about our experience with OutSystems.
The main language will most probably be German, but please come along if you are an English speaker.
There is no set agenda for this meeting, we are looking forward to meeting some interested fellow community members and talk.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)
5:00 PM | Networking |
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