OutSystems Developer Show Asia-Pacific - NextStep Recap

Oct 22, 2020, 6:00 – 7:30 AM (UTC)

*REGISTER HERE*: https://outsystems.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlduGgpj0qHNfAVW_oybm2-7TLBsqoMn4A Welcome to the OutSystems Developer Show, where we bring OutSystems experts to have open conversations about the new features released in NextStep 2020! We will have Francisco Menezes, Director of Developer Advocacy and Evangelism, interviewing and moderating this conversation with OutSystems experts


About this event

*REGISTER HERE*: https://outsystems.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlduGgpj0qHNfAVW_oybm2-7TLBsqoMn4A

Welcome to the OutSystems Developer Show, where we bring OutSystems experts to have open conversations about the new features released in NextStep 2020! We will have Francisco Menezes, Director of Developer Advocacy and Evangelism, interviewing and moderating this conversation with OutSystems experts to better understand and explore the value of these new features for our developer community.

In the Asia-Pacific edition, we will be deep-diving into Workflow Builder and Machine Learning Builder with the product managers. You have a chance to submit any questions you want to ask these experts in the form below, as well as participate in the live chat during the show itself.

Let’s deep dive on the agenda (GMT+8):
2:00 PM Welcome & Introductions
2:05 PM Overview of NextStep Announcements, with Francisco Menezes, Director of Developer Advocacy and Evangelism @ OutSystems
2:20 PM Interview focused on Workflow Builder with Frederico Pires, Product Manager @ OutSystems
2:50 PM Small Break
2:55 PM Interview focused on Machine Learning Builder with Daniel Eugénio, AI Product Manager @ OutSystems
3:25 PM Prizes Raffle
3:30 PM End

Before the show, we recommend you check out the NextStep 2020 product videos about these features, so that you can come to this event with some understanding of what they are.
- Workflow Builder: https://outsystems.wistia.com/medias/3tuyanv3d4
- Machine Learning Builder: https://outsystems.wistia.com/medias/jd8vldhlho

We are also giving out cool OutSystems swag and incentives at the event. So join us!

You won’t want to miss this incredible event, so register now!

*REGISTER HERE*: https://outsystems.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlduGgpj0qHNfAVW_oybm2-7TLBsqoMn4A

Featured Presentation


  • Gemi Ablaza


    Systems Dev Assistant Manager @ Tesi | OS Champion

  • Paolo Alcabao

    Stratpoint Technologies Inc.

    Capability Director, Stratpoint

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