Let’s talk about AI 4 Apps & WeCare About You App!

Jun 17, 2020, 9:30 – 11:00 AM (UTC)

Welcome to Philippines Online OutSystems User Group! We are hosting an online event for our community in the Philippines on the 17th of June. This event will be dedicated to getting the community together, get to know your peers, learn from experts in the industry, and much more. Our aim is to give this growing community a platform where they can connect with each other, share their experiences


About this event

Welcome to Philippines Online OutSystems User Group!

We are hosting an online event for our community in the Philippines
on the 17th of June. This event will be dedicated to getting the community together, get to know your peers, learn from experts in the industry, and much more. Our aim is to give this growing community a platform where they can connect with each other, share their experiences and learn more.

As you know, we can't hold any in-person events, for the time being, so we will host it on an online format. Nonetheless, we have an amazing line up for you!

So, what can you expect?

5:30 PM Infuse AI in your applications! by Daniel Eugénio, AI Product Manager @ OutSystems
In this session, the AI PM will present what are the most common use cases for AI and how can these services be easily integrated into OutSystems applications.

6:00 PM WeCare About You! by Andrew Smith, Engagement Manager @ Transnational E-Business Solutions, Inc. (TESI)

6:30 PM Q&A

7:00 PM End of Event

We hope you will join us for this moment where we get the community together!

See you there :)

Featured Presentation


  • Gemi Ablaza


    Systems Dev Assistant Manager @ Tesi | OS Champion

  • Paolo Alcabao

    Stratpoint Technologies Inc.

    Capability Director, Stratpoint

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