Steps Towards ODC [Virtual Session]

Jul 29, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM (UTC)

Welcome to OSUG Nagpur Event on Steps Towards ODC. This is a stepping stone for the upcoming ODC MasterClass series sessions and this event is very critical as it plays a pivotal role in differentiating between OS11 and ODC and how can things get migrate from OS11 to ODC, Overview on Custom Code, Data Fabric, Workflows, etc

78 RSVPs


About this event

We welcome you all for the OSUG Nagpur Virtual Event on Step Towards ODC. The Speaker For this Session is None Other than Stefan Weber who is an Outsystems MVP and Senior Director at Telelink Business Services EAD.

We will cover a general overview of relevant changes between OutSystems and OutSystems Developer Cloud and their potential impact on application migrations in the following areas.

  1. Applications in ODC and how they differ from O11 Applications
  2. Deployment in ODC Portal compared to O11 LifeTime Deployments
  3. External Logic in ODC compared with Custome Code Extensions in O11
  4. Data Fabric in ODC compared with External Data Integrations in O11
  5. Workflows in ODC compared with BPT in O11
  6. Identity Management in ODC compared with User Providers in O11
  7. Private Gateways in ODC compared with VPN Connections in O11
  8. Event Driven Architecture in ODC compared with Entity Events in O11

After the overview we will take a closer look at architectural patterns in ODC.

Featured Presentation


  • Stefan Weber

    Telelink Business Services

    Senior Director


  • Mayuri Pokale

    Persistent Systems



Monday, July 29, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM (UTC)


10:00 AMA Sweet Introduction
10:15 AMSession on Step Towards ODC
11:15 AMQuiz
11:30 AMSession Continued...
12:15 PMQ&A


  • Aditya Chinchole

    Persistent Systems

    Lead Soft Developer


  • Aditya Chinchole

    Persistent Systems

    Please fill the details

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