AI Mentor and ODC Training Roundtable

Feb 9, 2023, 7:00 – 9:15 PM

Welcome to the first event of 2023 of the OSUG of London, today starts a new year so let's talk about new things like the AI Mentor and to a roundtable about the experience of your community about the From O11 to ODC course!

80 RSVPs


About this event

Welcome to the first event of 2023 of the OSUG of London!

On this one, we will discuss our plans for this user group this year and the initiatives we want to continue and push!

We will have Paul de Abreu, Team Leader Solutions Architect at OutSystems UK, for our main presentation about the AI Mentor. We are going to dive deep into this feature/component that was presented on the NextStep 2022.

We have a surprise additional speaker who will be presenting…

…a demo of ODC!

Our other topic will be all over our community for the past two months, we will do a roundtable about the From O11 to ODC course, and we want YOUR opinion about it. As a base, we are using questions like :

  • Did you already take the course?
  • What did you enjoy the most?
  • Have you got any complaints or suggestions?

We will raffle off some swag between the participants of the roundtable, both online and in-person!!!

In the end, we are going to have our usual networking, food, and drinks

Hope to see you there in person or online! 

Featured Presentation


  • Paul de Abreu


    Lead Solution Architect


Intro & Welcomes
London OSUG 2023 Plans
AI Mentor & ODC Demo
ODC Training Roundtable
Networking and Food


  • João Martins Pereira

    NTT Data UK&I

    Tech Lead

  • Richard Tilbury

    Personal Group

    Director of Development

  • Carlos Lessa

    Fujitsu UK

    Architect - Tech Lead

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