Apr 19, 2022, 6:00 – 7:30 PM (UTC)
Cristiano Marques will cover the ‘Why’s and the ‘How’s of CI/CD in OutSystems followed by an in depth discussion on tooling, processes, pitfalls and lessons learned.
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Why should I worry with CI/CD?
There are plenty of reasons to do CI/CD in OutSystems:
. You reached a point where you need to develop new things but you do not want to maintain multiple development streets
. You want to automate the deployment procedure and incorporate automated testing
. You want to provide value to the end user as soon as possible without jeopardising other developments
Cristiano Marques - Software Development Manager @ Vopak & OutSystems MVP - will cover the ‘Why’s and the ‘How’s of CI/CD in OutSystems followed by an in depth discussion on tooling, processes, pitfalls and lessons learned.
Software Development Manager / Senior Agile Software Developer at Vopak
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)
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CI/CD & OutSystems |
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Q&A |
End of Event |
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