Performance: How to do Performance Troubleshooting & Manage Heavy Timers

May 12, 2023, 9:30 – 11:00 AM

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About this event

Learn the troubleshooting process, troubleshooting tools, and some common examples of performance bottlenecks. And how to avoid the pitfalls that can end on long-running asynchronous processes (“heavy” timers).

Featured Presentation


  • Vikas Sharma

    Ranosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

    Sr. Software Analyst


  • Narendra Maheshwari

    Ranosys Technologies pvt ltd.

    Solution Architect


  • Vineet Swami

    Ranosys Technologies Pte. Ltd.

    Delivery Manager and OutSystems Practice Lead

  • Manish Gupta

    Damco Solutions

    Solution Architect

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