OutSystems Architecture In Practice

Sep 4, 2021, 8:30 – 10:30 AM

A top-notch architecture is crucial to allow your applications to grow and adapt to your OutSystems business requirements as they evolve. OutSystems User Groups Leaders in India have started this free event series on OutSystems Architecture!

369 RSVPs

About this event

In our first event of the series, we discussed the basics of Outsystems Architecture design using the Architecture Canvas and multilayered framework. We also learned about the canvas rules, validation, and the 3 steps application design process. You can find more details here.

In this session, we will learn about the 3 step architecture design process by following one example business case. We will also learn to design a new solution using the Architecture Canvas, the typical elements found in each layer of the architecture, and the type of modules that often get created, and suggestions for naming them.


For a limited time, full event recording is available here - https://outsyste.ms/osug0409recording

Featured Presentation


  • Hathimary A

    Kyono Consulting Pvt Ltd

    Senior Software Consultant

  • Vineet Swami


    Delivery Manager and OutSystems Practice Lead


  • Amal Raj

    OutSystems MVP

    COO, Headfitted Solutions Pvt Ltd

  • Goldy Lukka

    OutSystems Champion

    VP @ Kyono Consulting

  • Pramod Jain


    Head of Delivery APAC, Do it Lean



Saturday, September 4, 2021
8:30 AM – 10:30 AM UTC


Welcome Note
Technical Session
Winner Announcement and Networking


  • Shreelakshmi Shivaramu

    KPMG India


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