Application Objects (AO) with OutSystems

Feb 6, 9:30 – 10:45 AM (UTC)

An Application Object (AO) is a measurement of the complexity of your applications on the OutSystems platform. Each screen, entity/database table, and API method in your apps count as 1 AO.

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About this event

In OutSystems, an Application Object (AO) is a unit of measure that represents the complexity of your application. It is used as a metric to quantify the use of the platform and to align with the licensing model of OutSystems. Application Objects include various elements that make up an application:

Screens: Every web screen or mobile screen in your application is counted as one Application Object.

Entities/Database Tables: Each entity or database table defined in your application's data model is also considered one Application Object.

API Methods: Every public server action exposed as a REST or SOAP web service method is counted as one Application Object.

Events: Custom events defined in your applications are included in this count too.

The count of AOs is important because it directly relates to the licensing terms of the OutSystems platform. You can view the total consumed Application Objects in your environment through the Service Center by navigating to Administration > Licensing. This section will give you insights into your license usage, including the number of Application Objects.

The AO count helps in managing and monitoring the scope of your applications, ensuring that they remain within the scale for which your OutSystems license is provisioned. Keeping track of the Application Objects is crucial for maintaining the license compliance and for planning scale as your applications grow.

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Featured Presentation


  • Amit Verma

    Valantic LCS

    Tech Lead

  • Shubham Mawar

    Valantic LCS

    Tech Lead


  • Shreelakshmi Shivaramu

    KPMG India

    Assistant Manager


  • Shreelakshmi Shivaramu

    KPMG India


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