Mar 12, 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 AM (UTC)
We're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of moving from O11 to ODC. Come hang out with OutSystems experts and MVPs eager to share their real-life experiences and practical tactics. It will help you to make your transition journey much easier.
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We're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of moving from O11 to ODC. Come hang out with OutSystems experts and MVPs eager to share their real-life experiences and practical tactics. It will help you to make your transition journey much easier.
So, don't miss out, join in to learn:
Migrating forge components to ODC with Stuart Harris, Tech Lead @ Kiandra
Planning an ODC migration with Leonardo Fernandes with Head of Expert Services @ PhoenixDX + MVP
Strategies for a successful coexistence of O11 and ODC with Joao Melo, Head of Product Delivery @ PhoenixDX + MVP
Key factors to evade immediately when conducting a health check with Raphael Ranieri, Tech Lead @ PhoenixDX + MVP
We hope to see you there!
Outsystems Champion + Principal Consultant
Head of Delivery
Head of Product Delivery + Principal Tech Lead + MVP
Tech Lead + MVP
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